Degeneration in the Portuguese colonial anthropobiological photography

  • Mariana Gomes da Costa ICNOVA — Instituto de Comunicação da NOVA Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
Keywords: Anthropobiology, photography, colonised bodies, degeneration, stigmata


Assuming a a common agenda linking the Portuguese anthropological missions in Africa of the mid-20th century, this paper analyses the unpublished iconographic spoil of Angola’s Anthropological Mission (1948, 1950, 1952, 1955). I aim to point out both the main goals of the Portuguese colonial anthropology use of the photograph-ic apparatus and its epistemopolitical matrix, gathering the human sciences of anthropology (physical/criminal) and psychiatry. I take the concept of degeneration — the idea of a biological defect or evolutionary delay affecting some people — as being still operational in studying those populations under colonial administration. I argue that colonial anthropology, tecnocientifically supported by the photographic image production of stigmata — phys-ical/psychical marks of degeneration, which are visible on the body surface — has attended so much or less to the rationalisation of the colonial labour exploitation (in what would be a primary economic agenda) than to the construction of the idea of a multicontinental and multiracial Nation, which, nevertheless, has never ceased to affirm the physical inferiority of the colonised bodies as a way to justify the Portuguese colonisation. Bearing in mind Portugal’s general delay and the political necessity of facing the anticolonial movement of the post-II World War, I conclude that the same degeneration that had lost its force in some epistemological domains — e.g. psychiatry, which paradigm transition has mainly to do with to psychoanalysis’ apport —, still appears as the conceptual guideline of the approach to the colonised bodies, proving itself co-opted by a eugenic political agenda. The photographic medium task is crucial here: having presided over the visual construction of the mentally ill, photography presides over the optical construction of the racial Other.

How to Cite
Gomes da Costa, M. (2022). Degeneration in the Portuguese colonial anthropobiological photography. Revista De Comunicação E Linguagens, (57), 233 –264. Retrieved from