Work from home in Brazilian advertising industry

  • Lucas Schouch Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Juliana Peterman Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


This article refers to the beginning of the pandemic in Brazil, looking specifically at the advertising field and the period of adaptation to remote work, with the macro objective of identifying the possible convergence, or not, of leadership groups and employees of the advertising industry, in the home office. And yet, more specifically, to understand which are these points in which the habitus of these two groups of professionals differ. From the empirical observation of the field and documental research in reports in the specialized media in advertising, we noticed an important difference between the opinion of employers and employees of advertising agencies in the country, and this motivated the carrying out of a quantitative survey with professionals in the field. More specifically, we intend to answer the following question: What are the main differences in the habitus of employees and employers in the advertising industry, and what do they? imply in their perceptions of the home office in the pandemic? We present here the results of this gathering, from the analytical perspective of the field and the habitus. The results point to an important opposition between the opinions of these two groups in the advertising field, as well as a significant concern of employers, especially with customers and with the company’s deliveries, which differs greatly from the concerns of employees.

Communication | advertising agencies | habitus | work from home | pandemic

How to Cite
Schouch, L., & Peterman, J. (2021). Work from home in Brazilian advertising industry. Revista De Comunicação E Linguagens, (55). Retrieved from