Homo Streamius Lusitanus: a brief analysis on the recent behavior of the Portuguese spectator in Streaming and Video-on-Demand services

  • António S. Sanganha Universidade da Beira Interior


Nowadays, all screens show films and most of us have ac- cess to movies through various platforms, including the one that once was the only one for its consumption: the movie theater. With the quick growth of entertainment platforms in the streaming and Video-on-Demand (VoD) format in Portugal, which facilitate access to films and series, and with the gradual adhesion of the Portuguese to it, this article seeks to address the portion of people who choose to watch audiovisual content in the comfort of their own home through paid services. Thus, in order to know the method of audiovisual consumption in our country and its current changes, an analysis was carried out — through consultations on public access platforms, interviews, and access to data by related entities linked to statistical studies — to the number of subscribers on streaming and VoD platforms and its evolution, compared to the total number of movie viewers in recent years. The results revealed that from 2019 to the end of 2020, the Portuguese population adhered on a large scale — regardless of their age or location — to platforms that provide audiovisual content through streaming and/or VoD.

Streaming | video-on-demand | movie theater | pandemic | Portugal

How to Cite
Sanganha, A. S. (2021). Homo Streamius Lusitanus: a brief analysis on the recent behavior of the Portuguese spectator in Streaming and Video-on-Demand services. Revista De Comunicação E Linguagens, (55). Retrieved from https://rcl.fcsh.unl.pt/index.php/rcl/article/view/163