Resistance of indigenous Embera Chamí women in and through midwifery

  • Sara Ortiz Ospina Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia
  • Mónica Berrío Vélez Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín


In Latin America, indigenous midwives have faced the oppression and exploitation of their peoples and the violent implementation of policies that deprived them of the possibility of a real influence in the field of midwifery. In this sense, their memories are the possibility of learning about other ways of relating health/disease/care processes, women's body and their reproduction, the territory and the community. This visual essay is produced as a synthesis of a collective work between research on Embera Chamí women midwifery from the Resguardo La Albania, in the municipalities of San José and Risaralda, department of Caldas, in Colombia, the co-creation in the Nepono Bania Collective and the work on memory and territorial defense with the Association of indigenous women of the resguardo Cañamomo Lomaprieta, in the municipalities of Riosucio and Supia, Caldas. The reflections and discussions about women's resistance in and through midwifery and their territorial defense are also shared in ten illustrations.


Keywords: embera chamí midwifery; indigenous midwifery and resistance; memory, territorial defense

How to Cite
Ospina , S. O., & Berrío Vélez , M. (2021). Resistance of indigenous Embera Chamí women in and through midwifery. Revista De Comunicação E Linguagens, (54). Retrieved from