“Bissauwood”: devising alternative modes of production and distribution

  • Catarina Laranjeiro Institute of Contemporary History, NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities / IN2PAST — Associate Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Heritage, Arts, Sustainability and Territory, Portugal


Vernacular film and audiovisual productions in Guinea--Bissau, going viral among its inhabitants, are growing exponentially. These outputs, widely available via informal screenings or shared on Internet channels, portray ordinary events to achieve thousands of views inside the country and throughout its diasporas in Europe. Unveiling forms of social invisibility, these films constitute valuable resources for studying the ironies and paradoxes of Guinea-Bissau’s contemporary history, especially for gender issues. Simultaneously, their narratives, modes of production and distribution strategies might contribute to the discussion on decolonizing cinema.

Cómo citar
Laranjeiro, C. (2022). “Bissauwood”: devising alternative modes of production and distribution. Revista De Comunicação E Linguagens, (57), 112 -. Recuperado a partir de https://rcl.fcsh.unl.pt/index.php/rcl/article/view/270